Artificial Intelligence Course Details:

The course links the fundamentals of digital marketing to advanced AI tools and techniques, all aimed at enhancing marketing strategies by leveraging data-driven insights, automation, and personalization. Students will study how AI is really changing conventional marketing—through better decision making, improved customer experience, and increased efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence Course Features

Ranges from AI-driven marketing strategies and automation for analytics through content creation and personalization. On a balanced note, this course has theoretical thoughts and practical implementation.

Includes real-world projects and case studies where AI tools and techniques are applied in various digital marketing scenarios. Practical exercises are done with popular AI platforms and tools that are used in the industry.

It is taught by industry professionals having a huge experience in AI and digital marketing. Guest lectures would take place on AI experts and leaders in digital marketing.

Practical training with various AI tools like machine learning models, chatbots, data analytics platforms, and automation tools. Insights will also be provided on how to integrate the AI tools into your existing digital marketing strategies.

The course provides for different learning paces, with more resources being available to students who might need to extend their interests in some subjects. Personalized in-depth feedback on papers and projects.

Access to a community of like-minded peers and professionals that will enable one to network and find collaboration. Be involved in group discussions, share what's on your mind, and get support from instructors and fellow students.

Key Features

Comprehensive Curriculum

Hands-on Projects

Expert Instructors

Interactive Learning

Industry-Relevant Tools

Flexible Learning


Networking Opportunities

Career Support

Resource-Rich Environment

Continuous Assessment

Lifelong Learning Access

Who is this Course for?

Students/Freshers Image


College students who want to start a career in digital marketing

Professionals Image


Professionals who want to switch their careers to digital marketing

Agency Owners Image

Agency Owners

Entrepreneurs and agency owners looking to grow their brand and generate leads on digital platforms.

Coaches Image


Coaches and trainers who want to grow their training business online and generate more enrollments

Homepreneurs Image


Homepreneurs who want to upskill themselves in digital marketing and generate passive income

Freelancers Image


Freelancers looking to gain more clients and generate steady income

Artificial Intelligence Programming Course Curriculum

Overview of Artificial Intelligence Programming

History and evolution of AI

Applications and impact of AI in various industries

Definitions: AI, machine learning, deep learning, Types of AI

Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook

Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook

Python Basics, Variables, data types, and control structures

Functions and modules

Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets

Using Pandas for data manipulation, Basic data cleaning techniques

Linear Algebra and Calculus for AI

Linear Algebra Basics, Calculus Basics

Derivatives and integrals, Partial derivatives and gradients

Solving linear algebra problems using NumPy

Visualizing functions and derivatives using Matplotlib

Probability and Statistics for AI

Basic probability concepts, Probability distributions

Descriptive statistics, Inferential statistics

Understanding data distributions

Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals

Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning Basics (Supervised vs. unsupervised learning, Key concepts)

Regression Algorithms(Linear regression, Polynomial regression)

Classification Algorithms (Logistic regression, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN))

Advanced Machine Learning

Decision Trees and Random Forests (Building and understanding decision trees, Ensemble methods and Random Forests)

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Model Evaluation (Metrics, Cross-validation techniques)

Unsupervised Learning

Clustering Algorithms, K-means clustering

Hierarchical clustering, Dimensionality Reduction

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)

Feature Engineering and Model Selection

Feature Engineering, Creating new features

Feature scaling and encoding categorical variables

Cross-validation techniques

Hyperparameter tuning (Grid Search, Random Search)

Introduction to Deep Learning

Neural Networks Basics, Introduction to neural networks

Activation functions and loss functions

Introduction to TensorFlow and Keras

Setting up a deep learning project


CNN Architecture

Convolutional and pooling layers

Building and training a CNN model

Image classification, Object detection

Natural Language Processing

Text preprocessing (tokenization, stemming, lemmatization)

Bag of Words and TF-IDF, Advanced NLP Techniques

Word embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe)

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTMs

AI in Practice

Time Series Analysis, Introduction to time series data

Forecasting with ARIMA and Prophet

Case studies of AI applications

Ethical considerations in AI

Capstone Project and Advanced Topics

Capstone Project, Data collection, preprocessing, modeling, and evaluation

Advanced AI Topics, Reinforcement learning basics

Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Project Presentation

Program Advantage

Improved Career Prospects

Increased Earning Potential

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Better Communication Skills

Flexibility and Adaptability

Improved Productivity

Enhanced Creativity

Data-Driven Decision Making

Competitive Advantage

Personal Satisfaction and Confidence


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